The Essential Role of Family in Treating Bipolar Disorder
by Amy Mednick, MD and Alison Heru, MD
This article was originally published in Clinical Psychiatric News on October 18th, 2013 and can be found at this link.
Kevin was doing very well in law school, until he showed up at his professor’s house in the middle of the night. Normally a thoughtful, quiet, introverted young man, Kevin was hardly recognizable to his professor, who found him outside yelling loudly and demanding to speak about an underground conspiracy he believed he had uncovered. He had always been a good student, and his family was very proud of his accomplishments up until now. At the age of 24, Kevin’s first manic episode was triggered by late nights studying for his law school exams and marijuana use to cope with stress.
Police responded to noise complaints, and Kevin was hospitalized. The manic episode resolved surprisingly quickly in the absence of marijuana use and with the help of an atypical antipsychotic. The patient’s intelligence and articulate lawyer-in-training charm made his inpatient doctors hard pressed to justify an extended hospital stay, and he was discharged 3 days later with a prescription and instructions for follow-up. He promptly discarded both.
When his next manic episode arose, Kevin disappeared for 2 weeks, and after fearing the worst, Kevin’s family was relieved to receive a call from Kevin’s aunt, who lived across the country and had just found him at her doorstep. This time, without the involvement of law enforcement, there seemed to be no way for Kevin’s mother, father, older sister, and aunt to persuade Kevin to enter the hospital or to take medications. Kevin’s aunt accompanied him on a plane home, and in the face of Kevin’s unwillingness to enter treatment alone, they decided to enter treatment as a family.
Predictors of episodes
The strongest predictors of future episodes and poor outcome in patients with bipolar disorder are a greater number of previous episodes, shorter intervals between episodes, a history of psychosis, a history of anxiety, persistence of affective symptoms and episodes, and stressful life events. Some evidence has suggested that poor job functioning, lack of social support, increased expressed emotion in the family, and introverted or obsessional personality traits all might predict poor outcome in bipolar disorder (J. Psychiatr. Pract. 2006;12:269-82).
An overwhelmingly emotional home environment can make a large contribution to relapse. Multiple studies have shown that a high level of "expressed emotion" (characterized by overinvolvement and excessive criticism) predicts patient relapse independent of medication compliance, baseline symptoms, and demographics (Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 1988;45:225-31)
Because bipolar disorder is an unpredictable, potentially destructive illness, it is important to grab any factors that we and our patients might have control over and do our best to modify them positively. With this in mind, the Family Focused Treatment (FFT) model was developed, with the philosophy that by keeping patients well informed about the facts and realities of the disorder and working on the communication and coping mechanisms operating within the family, relapse prevention and emotional stability will be better maintained. In this way, the predictive factors of stressful life events, poor social support, and family-expressed emotion can be modified. FFT is a time limited (usually 12 sessions), highly effective treatment modality.
The principles of FFT were adapted into an ongoing-treatment model that can be implemented in a community setting, termed Family Inclusive Treatment (FIT) and used by the Family Center for Bipolar in New York City, for example. FIT consists of an engagement period at the initiation of treatment, focused on psychoeducation and relapse prevention planning. FIT is unique in that every patient is required to sign a release of information giving permission for full, open communication at all times between the patient’s clinician and a treatment partner of their choosing.
After the initial engagement period, there are quarterly family visits to supplement regular individual treatment. Other modalities such as individual therapy, pharmacotherapy, and group therapy are used according to the clinician’s judgment.
This form of treatment is innovative in that it treats bipolar illness just like any other chronic illness. It promotes open communication between families of patients with bipolar disorder and the patients themselves with regard to symptoms and medications. In this way patients are not isolated from their families; they can talk openly with one another and their clinician as they would do if somebody in the family had Alzheimer’s disease or diabetes.
It has been reported that up to 46% of the caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder report depression, and up to 32.4% report use of mental health services. These symptoms tend to be dependent on the nature of the caregiving relationship, suggesting that specialized interventions addressing the psychiatric needs of bipolar families might result in improved outcomes for both patients and their family members, in addition to decreases in health care costs (J. Affect. Disord. 2010;121:10-21).
Together with therapy and medication management, clinicians working in the FIT model strive to create an environment that minimizes, as much as possible, the impact of bipolar disorder on the affected individuals and their close loved ones.
Many studies have confirmed the efficacy of various psychosocial treatments for bipolar disorder (J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 2003;7:482-92; J. Clin. Psychiatry 2006;67 [suppl. 11]:28-33; J. Affect. Disord. 2007;98:11-27), and there has been a push for the integration of psychosocial treatment with pharmacotherapy, as the latter is less often sufficient on its own in preventing relapse.
Patient, family begin journey
Kevin and his family entered into family treatment. They started off with the psychoeducation portion of the treatment, and many of the myths and misinformation that they had held about bipolar disorder were dispelled. Even Kevin was able to engage in the information exchange, which he initially approached from an academic, impersonal vantage point. The communication skills phase proved more problematic as it became more personal, but still, the focus was on the family’s communication and not on Kevin as a psychiatric patient, so he responded well.
It was uncovered that Kevin’s father has always been highly critical, and Kevin’s mother tends to overprotect her children to compensate. They were taught new skills to express their feelings toward one another, and especially toward Kevin, in more productive and positive ways. In addition, they got a chance to practice those skills in subsequent sessions.
The modules continued in this vein until the family portion of treatment had completed. By this time, Kevin had developed a good rapport with his clinician, and he continued treatment despite his persistent reservations about accepting his illness. The family environment improved, and though Kevin was only sporadically compliant with his medication, the reduced stress at home and improved coping skills drove him less often to use marijuana for "self-medication," which decreased his manic episodes.
Kevin’s family periodically rejoined him in treatment sessions at predefined intervals, to check in and assess his and their progress. They were comfortable speaking with Kevin’s doctor and would call when they noticed any of the warning signs that they had collaboratively determined as markers of upcoming mania. In this way, they were all effective at keeping Kevin’s moods stable and keeping him out of the hospital.
The psychiatrist in routine practice might neither follow a manualized algorithm for family treatment nor have the time or resources at her disposal to provide a full "curriculum." Still, she can have the same success in engaging a family in understanding their loved one’s illness and contributing to the family member’s stability.
Objectives for family-focused treatment
The following objectives are adapted from "Bipolar Disorder: A Family-Focused Treatment Approach," 2nd ed. (New York: The Guilford Press, 2010):
• Encourage the patient and the family to admit that there is a vulnerability to future episodes by educating them about the natural course, progression, and chronic nature of bipolar disorder.
• Enable the patient and the family to recognize that medications are important for controlling symptoms. Provide concrete evidence for the importance and efficacy of medications and the risks of discontinuation. Explore reasons for resisting medications, including fears about becoming dependent.
• Help the patient and the family see the differences between the patient’s personality and his/her illness. Make a list of the patient’s positive attributes and a separate list of warning signs of mania. Frequently reinforce the distinction between the two.
• Assist the patient and the family in dealing with stressors that might cause a recurrence and help them rebuild family relationship ruptures after an episode. Suggest methods for positive, constructive communication such as active listening (nodding, making eye contact, paraphrasing, asking relevant questions) and expressing positive feelings toward a family member related to a specific example of a behavior.
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