Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mania: The "Up-side" of Bipolar Disorder

Dear Reader,

It has been my experience that a patient while going through a manic episode feels the best they have ever felt.

The experience of "being on top of the world" and "energized" are just a few phrases that have been mentioned when I have spoken to my own patients. 
It can be considered almost a savior if you've struggled with severe depression during the course of your Bipolar illness and mania is a welcomed relief.

Hearing patients tell me that they've blown their whole life savings in a weekend, and hurt family and friends through promiscuous and inconsiderate acts is what many times is the thing that really affects most patients while struggling to bounce back from a manic episode.  

Trying to teach families that the illness should be blamed and not the person rarely works when finances, health, and family are concerned. 
It is important to hear out these concerns, and try to create an atmosphere of understanding while also educating the family about the illnesses. My experience has so far shown me that education is the best way to help families cope with this illness. Explaining how medications work and what signs to look out for when a patient is decompensating can also help prevent full blown mania.

 As is often the case, education is key in understanding and coping with mania.

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