Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Medication Adherence

Working with patients over the last several years has taught be that while the medications that we prescribe on a daily basis have many positive effects they also can be harmful when taken erratically.

Not taking your medication regularly or taking too much at times (doubling or tripling up when you've missed a dose) can have severe side repercussions.

The fact is that we live in an imperfect world where we are constantly finding new effects of commonly used drugs.

Careful monitoring is an essential part of good clinician practice. While doctors have the responsibility to check in with patients about possible side effects and educating them on potential risks/benefits/ and alternatives of medications, it is also the responsibility of the patient to be compliant with medications.

Keeping a medication alarm has been a tip that I have heard from a few patients that prevents them from missing doses as well as sets a routine.     

Also carrying a small number of pills in your bag or purse ensures that if by chance you're unable to get home, you can also take your medications on time.


  1. I like the idea of a medication alarm! I wish all my patients would use one.

  2. An app on your smart phone to remind you will be good too... Dr. G

  3. The iPhone has a calendar where you can enter an appointment on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. An alarm can be set for these times. I do this with school, work, family, errands, etc.
